Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 8.5 - Montreal to Toronto

We'd planned to spend lots of time, a full day at least, with me showing Beth around town. Yeah. Didn't happen. We hung out with the folks, and took just an hour before we left for Toronto to do a quick spin over the Mountain, through the Plateau, downtown, and then back out. She wanted to see views and old buildings, she got to see views and old buildings. :)

She wanted old. Or old-looking.
I told Beth we don't call it
"Kentucky Friend Chicken" in
Quebec. Welcome to PFK - "Poulet
Frites Kentucky."

Clan Diamond. Clan Diamond's kitchen.

I had forgotten to tell Beth that it
would feel like every second building
was a church... 

Us on the mountain. Not the best
angle, but that's Montreal
spread out behind us.

Better angle of Montreal. With
"Big O(we)" (stadium we were still
paying for 30+ years after the
Olympics) in the background.

The big apple. Always
my landmark that I'm
"almost to Toronto."

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