Just over 11 years ago, I decided to move to the San Francisco Bay Area from Edmonton, Alberta.
In a little less than two months, I move back to Canada (this time to Toronto).
There are many too many reasons for it to go into, but that's not really the reason for this blog.
The move here produced a scrapbook that brings back many memories when I look at it - we took photos as we left and entered every state, we doubled back twice before we managed to get a shot of the "Half-way between North Pole and Equator!" sign along the highway, we giggled, we laughed, we made bad jokes, we took at least six roles of film each, and we saw sights we'd never seen before.
That was a 1,700-mile trip.
This time, because we are driving in January, we are taking a southern route to avoid the Winter weather. Whether we detour via Montreal on our way back (which will add two days to the trip, minimum) or head north gradually and cross at Port Huron/Sarnia, we don't know yet (that's a decision that will have to be made at least three days before we cross, since I have to fax the export paperwork for my car to the border 72 hours minimum before I cross).
Currently, the route is tentatively abut 3,500 miles.
Fortunately, we won't be working with old-style film this time, since the number of photos we'll be taking is likely to be much higher. :) And we are planning to make a few stops along the way - Grand Canyon at the very least, possibly Four Corners and Hoover Dam.
Anyway. This blog will elaborate the process of the move leading up to it, the steps I'm taking, and I will try to update it every day along the way with photos, anecdotes, wacky stories and clichés.
Right now I'm just divesting of possessions. I'm Freecycling like mad and giving away furniture to neighbours. It's hard to tell because most of what I'm getting rid of is inside cabinets, but I've got rid of a LOT of stuff and there's more to go. The furniture doesn't count - it's all still here until mid- to late-December, but most of it has been claimed by friends & neighbours.
The place will absolutely echo by the time I'm done...
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